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Biography Topics for Project Based Learning


Biography Topics for Project Development

Links Verified 5/7/2020

  1. Biographies: Famous Authors - Each has in his or her own way made an impact in the world, leaving their mark on society.
  2. Biographies - a database of hundreds of biographies.
  3. Biography.com is the online version of the A&E show. This site has a searchable database and features a person who was born on the current day.
  4. Biographical Dictionary - This dictionary covers more than 33,00 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present
  5. Biographies of the Founding Fathers - Colonial Hall contains 103 biographical sketches of America's founding fathers divided into 3 groups: Signers of the Declaration, Signers of the Articles of Confederation and Signers of the U. S. Constitution
  6. Gallery of Achievers - Features individuals who have shaped the twentieth century by their accomplishments.
  7. Historic Figures - Selected biographies of historic figures featured on bbc.co
  8. InfoPlease has biographies of people in the news today.
  9. Jewish Biographies from as far back in time as the Pentateuch to people in today's newspapers. They also have a link to Biographies of Jewish Women.
  10. Multnomah County Library Homework Center has a Biographies page with a large number of sites.
  11. NASA Astronauts - detailed astronaut information
  12. Nobel Prize Winners - winners in all of the disciplines

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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